ANIME: Neon Genesis Evangelion
This anime is directed and created by Hideaki Anno, and it is also animated by studio GAINAX. This serie is composed by 26 episodes, but it also has 7 films that help to complement and finish the serie, giving us different endings of the serie and different spin-off's.
The anime is called more simply Evangelion, that explains all the principal plot. At first there were only 24 episodes, but the anime wasn't finifhed so GAINAX finally relaised Neon Genesis Evangelion: Death and Rebirth, the first part, Death, it's a recopilation of the first 24 episodes, with extra scenes and an enchanced animation. The second part of this movie is Rebirth, explaining the last two episodes finishing part of the ''principal'' plot and a new spin-off with a different animation.
Finally GAINAX relaised all the serie again inclouding the last two episodes, leaving Evangelion with 26 episodes, but the anime wasn't finished so the second film: The end of Evangelion, explains the apocalyptic final of the principal plot.
Then is the tetralogy of the last fourth movies ''Rebuild'', but there are animated by another studio: Studio Khara. The first one: 1.11 You are (not) alone explains the first 6 episodes of the anime with a new animation and different scenes. The second one: 2.22 You can (not) advance, its an alternative resolution of the plot, inclouding new characters. Finally the last one: 3.0 You can (not) redo starts with the ending of ''The end of Evangelion'', but in the same universe as ''You can (not) advance'' explaining what hapened after the last batle of ''The end of Evangelion'' and inclouding the new characters.
The serie isn't finished, and is it known that it will be relaised on 20th of july of 2020 on Japan, the last movie: Evangelion 3.0+1.0.
The seventh film its just the ''remake'' of Netfix with Evangelion. This movie is called: Neon Genesis Evangelion: DEATH (TRUE)2, containing the first part of ''Neon Genesis Evangelion: Death and Rebirth'', Death, but not inclouding the two episodes of Rebirth and it spin-off either, because the last two episodes are already inclouded in the anime.
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