We tend to be afraid of changes, but we have to open our eyes to the fact that nothing can remain always the same, not even us and our preferences. The goal of this TED talk is to make us be aware of this change in our personality and how will they affect our future decisions.
One of the main problems is that humans are not able to predict changes in themselves. To show this, the scientist did a study, that consisted of taking 7000 people from the ages between 18 and 68 and asking them. Half of these people were asked about their actual preferences and their predictions and the other half about their current and their past ones. The results showed that, the young ones, thought that their preferences would stay the same in ten years, but the older ones explained that, their life ten years ago and in the moment of the experiment is very different.
This illusion that makes us see ourselves as a finished product can affect to our future in more ways than in our favourite food or musician. An example is when you're young and decide to buy a small house, because you don't want to have kids and you think that will stay forever like that, but some years later, your opinion has changed, so you need to sell your actual house and buy another one. We can also experience this when choosing our job or partner.
To sum up, the fact of thinking that we will never change can affect us in more ways that we thought. We have to understand that changes are something natural and necessary and we have to learn to adapt to them. The future is something unpredictable, but the end is right, so you just have to have the time of your life.